
Roller Coasters11 (2 relocated)


This 2nd Blauer Enzian version added a helix when compared to Version 1. This is the most common Blauer Enzian version. Known Version 2 units are as follows:

1975 - The first unit Version 2 unit was purchased by German showman Peter Dom whom already had a Version 1 unit.  This later became the Runaway Train at Elitch Gardens.

1976 - German showman Peter Dom purchased a second Version 2 unit.  This was later sold to German showman Michael Courtney and later German 
showmen Barth & Kipp who was as of 2019 is still known to be operating it.  It also operated as the Blauer Enzian at Gröna Lund in the early 1980s, but who owned it at that time hasn't been determined.

1977 - German showman Hans-Jürgen Tiemann, whom already had a Version 1 unit purchased a Version 2 unit and operated it together with German showmen Fredrich Uhse and later by Fredrich Uhse alone.  This unit now operates as the Blauer Enzian at Freizeit-Land Geiselwind.

1979 - Purchased by German showman Kinzler who operated it as the Schwäbische Eisenbahn and later renaming it to Bayern Express. This is later became the Kansas City-Express at Fränkisches Wunderland.

See also


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